Monday 28 July 2008

Risk and Return: the Law of Attraction

The Yorubas have a proverb which warns "let your thoughts and words spell prosperity and goodness for yourself". Gourmet food for thought.

I sat across the table interviewing prospective managers for a friend's SME, and I was traumatised to learn of the extent to which the interviewees were prepared to toy and take terrible risks with their future. Why? Well, could you imagine being asked the details of your preferred salary at the end of an interview and you answering: "well, Sir, please, I prefer not to talk about money at this stage. " Or, "well, Sir, anything you give me, please"

Does that mean you could consider a salary cut? "I could, sir. This is a great company."

If I give you a salary cut you will take it, my friend asked, visibly annoyed. "Sir, don't be angry, please. I don't want to sound greedy by asking for something that is too high."


Whatever happened to the notion of having a vision and running with it? Whatever happened to the notion of self value? Whatever happened to the notion of wanting a return for the risk you/your parents took in paying for that first and or second university degree? Yes, we were interviewing first and second degree holders, and needless to say none of the candidates who magnanimously offered to receive a salary cut made it to the second round of interviews. The law of attraction was definitely at work - we were not attracted to desperation, or generous humility on that day. No, not us.

And yet these are the very same people who religiously attend church week in week out and pray for prosperity. Yet these are the very same people who pay tithes and offering and ask God in prayer to pour me out a blessing - good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over.

Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus. Was it St Paul that said that?
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight. King David, right?

I think God is in the business of rewarding the risk of faith with bountiful return, when your thoughts and your words align with His, returning prosperity and goodness.

I also think, with that proverb, the Yorubas are a special people, no?

Friday 25 July 2008

Remember Me?

Erm, hellooooo. Remember me? Miss ArtoflivingRuka has been pre, pre, pre-occupied.

Blog subscribers forgive. I beg.

Let's just say the second half of 2008 has started with a bang. ever funny, ever inspiring sister posted an inspirational piece on her blog a few days ago. It's a must read, must reflect on piece. Anglian or Catholic trapped in a Pentecostal body I may not be, but there are some home truths in this.

Promise to post my own original piece before the end of July 2008. Yes. Promise!