Tuesday 11 November 2008

Spying on Abidemi Sanusi's Blog

Well, truth be known. I've been spying on my sister's blog.

She recently posted a link to the appended blog posting: http://andymoore.wordpress.com/2007/10/26/singles-church/

Good God...

Good God.... just when you thought it was safe to come out and play (edited following Madame Abidemi's comment!)

Wednesday 5 November 2008

Keeping Hope Alive

It was 5am in the morning and my phone rang. “Yes we caaaaaaaaan. Yeeeaaaaah,” the voice on the other side yelled. “Yeeeaaaaah! Wake up! Wake up! Put on the TV. Put on the TV.”

The voice was from Dubai and one of my closest friend in the whole wide world was jubilant. As I heard her husband’s jubilant screams in the background, I knew that change had come to America.

What a day. 4 November 2008.
Even as I did put on my television and I watched thousands of America in Chicago dance for joy as they waited for President-elect Obama to mount the stage to give his victory speech, even I, far away in Lagos, Nigeria, shed tears of immense joy. Tears of rekindled hope and tears of gratitude. Gratitude that we could indeed realise a day such as this. A day when at last the fullness of the character of a person spoke louder than the colour of his skin. A day when the fullness of the character of a person spoke louder than his religion, and a day when the fullness of the character and tenacity of a person triumphantly saw the realisation of a vision. These are the best of days.

And even better days await us.
As I watched Oprah Winfrey and Jesse Jackson stand in the crowd, awaiting their President-elect, joyous and in tears, I felt that their tears spoke to the hope that they and many other Americans have held on to for many decades. The hope that they feared may never come to pass, but the hope that they nevertheless against all hope dared to hold on to.

And I was reminded of each and everyone of our own personal hope.

Yes, we can
President-elect Obama did more than win the US election the early hours of this morning. He also rekindled the personal hope of many the world over. Yes, we can. Yes, you can. Yes, I can. It's no coincidence that Barack means 'blessed' in Hebrew.

Then my mind and thoughts began to be filled with thoughts of the finest and lead person in my personal hall of fame. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Then I thought of the establishment, the Sadducees and the Pharisees who scorned Him, His Message and His methods. But when He resurrected, they were the one who realised that they had rejected Hope. Luddites that they were, they had demonstrated their weakness in wanting to maintain the status quo and reject hope, even as the evidence of the status quo clearly did not respond to their very needs.

The greatest, most humbling, and most comforting thing about President-elect Obama’s speech was its tempo and content. Temperate and measured, he spoke to America and the world all over about the importance of the values of democracy in this very twenty first century, about service to and for all, and the need to work together for the good of all. He gave thanks to his supporters for their contributions in kind and in currency, and demonstrated that he understood that they had supported his campaign not for him per se, but in a cry out for change.

Change that the world might be a better place again with America’s changed leadership. Change that the ideals which the American founding fathers fought for would once again stand true in America’s government of their nation and leadership of the world; and change that once more America and Americans might gain acceptance in this global village that we all live in.

The Appointed Time
And at quiet time this morning I must say I said a prayer for President-elect Obama. For his family and for his government. That our Father and our Lord would give him and his government wisdom to govern. Wisdom to govern well and to govern right. Wisdom to govern for the people and for the world. Wisdom to serve and wisdom heal the wounds from the past eight years.

Rev Martin Luther King Jnr warned that he may not get to the promised land with us, but he had a dream that we would get there. Whoa. What a day.

There is a time for everything. A season for everything under the sun. The Appointed Time. An appointed time comes to all of us. A season of change. And better grab that for the rekindling and manifestation of your own personal hope - and coming glory. Oh, yes. In Christ Jesus.

God bless America.